Novels by Otto (Ota) B. Kraus were published in the USA, Israel, Germany and the Czech Republic. The book "Land Without God" (Zeme Bez Boha) is mentioned in the Encyclopedia Judaica p. 1207 C "The Jewish contribution to Czech literature". Among other publications by O. B. Kraus are: Mountain Wind, The Dream Merchant, Tel Kotzim (Thorny Hill-in Hebrew) and The Painted Wall (*), a novel which tells the relatively unknown but true story of the Childrens' Block in Auschwitz-Birkenau. The book was recntly published by Random House Penguin under the title: The Children's Block.

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Die Bemalte Wand
Books by Otto B. Kraus include;
The Children's Block, Random House Penguin, 2019
Země bez Boha
, V. Petr, Prague 1948
Země bez Boha
, Sefer, Prague 1991
Adama l’lo elohim
(Země bez Boha) Hebrew translation by V. Kellner,
Hakibbutz hameuchad, 1953
  Ruach min Heharim) Hadar 1959
Vítr z hor
, Kanzelsberger, Prague 1991
The Dream Merchant and other Galilean stories
, Vantage Press, New York 1991
Obchodník se sny
(Czech translation of The Dream Merchant)
 Sefer, Prague 2009
Vepři ve při,
Ivo Železný, Prague 1993
Tel Kotzim
(Hebrew translation of Vepři ve při) ,Yaron Golan, Tel Aviv 1998
The Painted Wall
, Yaron Golan, Tel Aviv 1995
Die Bemalte Wand
(German translation of The Painted Wall) Dittrich Verlag,
Kőln 2002
The Painted Wall
, (2nd, 3rd revised  edition) Prague, 2006, 2009
Tsiur hakir lo hushlam
(Hebrew translation of The Painted Wall)
Beit Terezin
, 2004